The independent Project “La Tostadora - artes sonoro-visuales” invites artists, collectives and filmmakers
to send their video art projects and to participate in the fourth international
edition named “Other landscapes”, which is about different notions of landscape
tackled of an expanded perspective, starting of image, sound, body, territory,
nature, artificial experimentation and many other conceptions from
experimental/audiovisual language.
The selected videos in each category will be showing as part of the
program “Beyond Words” and it will take place in September 2 and September 8 of
the present year in Tel Aviv, Israel.
The event will include local and
international programs of video art, performance, talks, panels and workshops. The event will be in
the contemporary art center “ArtSpace” located in Tel Aviv, Israel. Website: www.artspacetlv.org
Besides, the selected videos will be part of traveling exhibitions in
Pereira and other cities located in Colombia all year round.
11. There will be four (4) categories to
participate, listed below:
- -Región eje (videos made by artist
and filmmakers from: Risaralda, Caldas and Quindío (Colombian regions)
- - Local (Videos made by artists from
the other national regions that were not listed previously)
- - No local (Videos made by artist from
Central and South America)
- - International (Videos made by
artists from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania)
22. Each artist or collective can only
send a maximum of 2 videos.
33. All the rights of the videos should
be in possession of the author.
44- The videos must have been made during or after 2016.
45. The maximum length of each video
will be five (5) minutes, credits included.
56. If a video is selected, the authors
give authorization to LA TOSTADORA to exhibit the videos in different places in
Colombia and other countries, and the use of images, with nonprofit purposes
only with artistic and cultural diffusion purposes.
The contestants can send the videos using Wetransfer, to the email
address: latostadora@hotmail.com, with its respective
datasheet (in pdf) with the following information:
-Artist name, city and country
-Name of the video
-Duration and year
(Región eje, Local, No local o International)
(2) video frames
Also the recommended video formats are: H264, Mp4, MOV
Deadline: june 15, 2018
More information:
Questions? latostadora@hotmail.com
This Project is supported by:
Muzaplus - Art projects
Artspace Tel Aviv